"Slice of Life" is an original short Science Fiction film.
The whole film is made the old school way like the legendary SciFi movies of the 80's (Star Wars, Alien, Blade Runner). Think miniatures, matte paintings, rear projections - You won't find any CGI here!!!
Slice Of Life is a love letter to the Science Fiction genre of the 80's. We invite you to follow our journey back to the future envisioned by the 80's!
Directors: Luka Hrgović and Dino Julius
Screenplay: Luka Hrgović, Dino Julius, Anton Svetić
Director Of Photography: Dino Julius
Starring: Anton Svetić, Ivica "Dragonrage" Pustički and Emilija Habulin
Original Score and Sound Design: Tim Žibrat
Producers: Luka Hrgović and Dino Julius
Executive Producers: Ryan Masten, Niko Sučić
Co-Producers: Alexa Blue, Adam Blue, John Cole, Brandon Mackay
Associate Producers: Todd D'Amario, Jaime Ferdinand, Jürgen Ferdinand, Guillermo Martinez, Chaedy Ritherdon, Robert Shill, Reginald Welkin
Produced by Julius Film in co-production with Brandomack Productions Limited and Blue Creative